
Research on Burning Process of Refractory Brick

The components of the additive are compatible with the glass components and can react with the Cr2O3 at the same time to refractory brick promote the thermal defects in the interior and the surface of the Cr2O3 crystal and the Schottky thermal deformation in the heated state. , To accelerate the process of mass diffusion and surface diffusion of the material firebrick refractory during firing. Some of the components in the additive react with Cr2O3 to form a solid solution, which is crystallized from the melt and deposited at the grain boundaries of the Cr2O3 grains to form a ring crystal band to control the growth of the Cr2O3 grains and to strengthen the intergranular phase Combined to improve the strength of the product. Based on the above considerations, a number of additives were selected for the experimental study, where two representative additives were screened for comparison, one for additive A and the other for additive B.
Effect of Additives on Product Properties. At lower temperatures can significantly promote the Cr2O3 material sintering, refractory castable access to physical and chemical indicators to achieve or exceed the advanced products of similar products. In order to be able to fully crush Cr2O3 at lower temperatures, two techniques have been taken: (1) to improve Cr2O3 fineness as much as possible without affecting the yield of the product. (2) the introduction Refractory company of the ion radius and Cr3 + radius of the similar additives, so that in the appropriate (2) the introduction of the ion radius and Cr3 + radius of the additive, so that the greater the size of the grain, the greater the degree of distortion and radius of curvature of the grain, the higher the activity of the insulation products material, Oxygen partial pressure range sintering to form continuous solid solution and finite solid solution, destroying the ordered arrangement of Cr atoms, leading to the introduction of atomic potential around the change, resulting in Cr2O3 crystal periodic potential field distortion, accelerate the self-diffusion rate of chromium ions, Promote the sintering of Cr2O3 material.

