
New type of high alumina brick lead smelting furnace in different parts of which use

Lead smelting of lead sulfide concentrate, usually contain a certain amount of Zn, in the smelting process is also the oxidation of ZnS, while part of the reduction, part of the re-oxidation into the lead-rich slag, part of the form of steam into the flue gas, With the flue gas rising again in the process of secondary air oxidation, or contact with other elements after oxidation, while the flue gas contains large amounts of SO2 gas and high oxygen partial pressure. In the melt contains a lot of PbO and metal Pb, along with other normal slag composition, that is, FeO, CaO, SiO2, Fe3O4 and other impurities.

Melt a large number of PbO and Pb are low melting point material, in the 1000-1150 ℃ melting temperature, have good mobility and penetration, it is easy to penetrate into the cracks within the refractory brick. Pb infiltration into the brick body gap, the oxygen is oxidized into PbO, the volume will increase about 20%, which will greatly fill the gap of high alumina brick.

In addition, during the use of high-alumina bricks, the melt penetrates into the high-alumina bricks along the capillary channels such as pores and cracks, and interacts with it to form a metamorphic layer different from the original Clay, High Alumina insulating bricks. When the furnace temperature Fluctuations, the metamorphic layer will crack, peeling, melt deeper into the brick, the thicker the metamorphic layer, the thicker peeling structure. If the local oxygen potential in the furnace is high, it is easy to reoxidize the Cr2O3 in the local high alumina brick, and Cr3 + is oxidized to cr6 +, so that PbO reacts with CrO3 due to the strong basicity, and low PbO · CrO3 is formed, Anti - scouring performance of Bottom Frame &Skid Platform Brick for Heating Furnace.

At the same time, and the formation of high alumina brick Cr2O3 and other substances are a lso low melting point material, is not conducive to the formation of high melting point solid phase material. ZN vapor in the flue gas, if combined with Fe2O3 in the high-alumina refractory brick for sale, is reduced to a low-melting FeO phase and Zn is oxidized to ZnO, the volume of ZnO will be expanded by 5-6 times, In the infiltration of parts of the expansion effect. SO2 components within the flue gas, etc. on the composition of high alumina brick also has a certain chemical effect.

The characteristics of these slag and flue gas characteristics of high-alumina smelting furnace metallurgical furnace use has special requirements.

